Nóra Taliga - Facilitator | norataliga@gmail.com

Category: Digital Wellbeing

Digital Detox? Careful, please!

By norataliga

Hello there, Welcome back on screen! How are you? Like really. How do you feel?  Today I am here with a request: please don’t do digital detox. Wonder why? Let me explain.  Do you know what digital detox means? Of course you do! Nowadays everyone knows it, it’s a great trend isn’t it?! We go…

Digital Wellbeing briefly: What, Why, How?

By norataliga

Hello there, Welcome to this great discovery of Digital Wellbeing! Although you might get some ideas about it, I bet you’re curious to know what this term really covers. As a starting point, it is worth to check the words separately: Digital stands for something (basically anything) done by, through, with technology. It is a…